I think the offense comes more from the perception that Akia is trying to have the best of both worlds he's willing to release enough of the code that other people can make basic content, but also is retaining rights to everything made so anyone who makes a mod more popular than his game might find themselves forced to hand over their own work to him and cease any further work on the project unless they want to keep giving him their revisions to lock behind his paywall.

Unless aika changes the current state, I hope this game vanishes and his source of income dies.

It is the community table after all, I was just currently maintaining it. I commented every script, so it should be easy to figure out. If someone wants to continue, be my guest. But if you want people to mod your game before it is even finished, and you want to make it an open source project so people may contribute to it as a whole, actually fucking do it. If you want to keep the code for yourself it's fine, there's nothing wrong with a closed source program. I do have a problem when you are a lazy fuck that doesn't even want to write the code you're profiting with, and I do have a problem when you're so pandering that you make your code semi-closed source and yet retain your original business model. I have no problem with people trying to earn some shekels out of other people's boners, even though I think some times it can be a little scummy.